Although they were going through hard times and were very poor, they were glad to give generously. They gave as much as they could afford and even more, simply because they wanted to.
They even asked and begged us to let them have the joy of giving their money for God's people.
And they did more than we had hoped. They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us, just as God wanted them to do.
2 Corinthians 8:2-5
This is a new initiative Campus Life is instituting that will allow us to show generosity like the Macedonians. In fact, our own Biblical mission comes from the Thessalonian church which is one of the churches in this area, “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well” 1 Thessalonians 2:8.
This is a model of giving based on the Macedonian churches explained to us through Paul’s letter in 2 Corinthians 8:2-5.
Learn more about the Macedonia Way by clicking the "Learn More" button.
Why are we doing this?
We are so blessed to have a ministry that impacts 300+ people through all generations every week! We have an amazing staff that works tirelessly to create and lead programs and events that are beloved, wanted, and needed. Because God has blessed us with a strong ministry foundation, we wanted to take an approach to even further strengthen our financial position, so we can continue to grow and serve.
As a fully donor supported ministry, we evaluated what could enhance our financial position for the here and now and the future. Having a significant consistent monthly income would create a solid, responsible position in funding a portion of our programs.
By securing this consistent monthly income, we will position ourselves well for the continuation and expansion of quality, enriching, and impactful programming here at Campus Life. We are seeking to secure this through The Macedonian Way.
How You Can Help
We are called according to God’s Word to give not just out of our abundance, but in response to God’s generosity to us. We can emulate the Macedonian model of giving. Our response can be the same as the Macedonians by giving God the glory through your financial gifts which can be a celebratory response to all Campus Life has done for you or a loved one. We are asking that you prayerfully commit to a level of giving. We understand that everyone’s giving ability is at a different level. This is why we established a graduated system, so you can find a suitable level to commit to.
We are looking for:
75 people to give $20/month
50 people to give $50/month
10 people to give $100/month
Ways to Give
Via Credit Card - Click here and follow prompts to schedule a monthly commitment with your credit card.
Please choose the Macedonian Way Fund from the drop down.
Via Electronic Funds Transfer (ACH) - Click here to download the authorization form to set up electronic funds transfer from your bank.
Please mail the completed form to Campus Life, 6426 S. Business Dr., Sheboygan, WI 53081 or scan to campuslife@gocampuslife.com. Please contact our office at 920-457-2381 for additional information. (see attached pdf).
Via Mail or In Person - Mail or drop off donations at Campus Life, 6426 S. Business Dr., Sheboygan, WI 53081.

Leave a Legacy
Christ's example to us during his life was one of selflessness and giving. Campus Life of Sheboygan County relies on charitable giving to give back to our community through our ministries. There are many ways for you to come alongside CampusLife and aid us in this ministry.
For those who see the value in the ministries at Campus Life, a charitable gift may be a regular occurrence. Others may choose to pass on assets after their death, in addition to, or sometimes in place of, passing on assets to family members.
The options for charitable giving within an estate plan are varied. One option is to make a gift at death through a will or trust, which would then reduce the amount of the donor’s estate, and thus any estate taxes that would need to be paid.
Gift Of Stock
Giving stock that has been held more than 12 months, offers a two-fold tax savings: a tax-deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift and capital gains may be avoided. For stock transfer information contact us at
In Honor Gifts
Make traditional gift-giving occasions particularly meaningful. Whether it is Christmas, Mother’s or Father’s Day, a birthday, wedding, anniversary, or other occasion, consider a donation to Campus Life in lieu of gifts. All gift donations will be acknowledged through a personal card to the one the gift was given in honor of.
In Memory Gifts
Honor the memory of your loved one by making a gift in their name. All memorial gifts will be acknowledged through a personal card to the family of your loved one.
IRA Charitable Giving
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) owners over age 70½ may make a transfer of up to $100,000 per year to qualified charities, including Campus Life. IRA charitable giving is tax-free and not included in adjusted gross income. An IRA charitable gift may fulfill part or all of your annual required minimum distribution (RMD).
Planned Gifts/Bequests allow your values to continue beyond your lifetime. These gifts are typically made through your will or estate plan, and allows you to designate a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to Campus Life. A gift such as these showcases your values to your heirs and may reduce the amount of your taxable estate.