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Come – Grow – Serve

Jim Green
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,  ~Ephesians 3:20


Dear Campus Life Friends,


I really like what I see.  Can you tell me more about what you

do (here at Campus Life), and how can I get involved?


A few days ago, I got these same two questions from two guys within about 15 minutes of each other.  This is music to my ears.  We love to tell people about the awesome things God is doing through this ministry, and about opportunities for people of any age, to serve God by serving the people of this community.  We encourage people to not just be hearers of the word, but doers of the word.  Come – Grow – Serve, this happens repeatedly every day here at Campus Life.  We have students that come to our club programs, but then grow through our Bible studies and leadership development program, and who then serve in our Adventure Club for elementary kids.  We also have senior adults that come to our Senior Luncheons, learn through our Bible studies and then serve in our juvenile jail outreach, assisted living visitation ministry or the many other projects that we have.  So, plug-in! Come, grow and serve throughout all of the ministries here at Campus Life.


Can you believe we are now in August?  Wow!  Where is the summer going?  It just seems

to be going way too quickly.  July was great, but August is going to be even better.  Our

week of Adventure Camp is fast approaching.  We expect approximately 50+ 3rd - 5th graders to participate in this awesome week of crafts, games and Bible stories.  The gospel message is interwoven throughout ALL of our camp activities, and we are totally excited to see how God will work during this time.  Please pray for the kids who will be participating, as well as the fifteen or so volunteers and staff people leading this ministry.  Please also be in prayer for our 4th annual Kite Festival which will happen on Saturday, August 24th, 9 am - 2 pm.  The Kite Festival is

designed to be a huge outreach into our community, showcasing the many ministry programs we have here at Campus Life.  Come on out and enjoy.  Free kites and food for those 10 and under.  Kites for those over 10 can be purchased (or bring your own), along with fantastic food, music and amazing activities for kids and adults of all ages.  Everyone is invited. It’s going to be an awesome day.


I hope you are enjoying summer. Praise God for this beautiful world He has created. 

Thank Him for what He is doing in your life and the lives of others.  Please don’t forget about us this summer.  Your prayers and financial support are vital to keeping this ministry moving forward. Summer months can be challenging, but we serve a God of abundance. We thank God for friends like you, your faithfulness and your continued support of this amazing ministry. You are appreciated.


       Making a difference in people’s lives - together,



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