When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. ~Matthew 9:36
Compassion. What a great word. What causes us to have compassion on others? It says that Jesus had compassion on people because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
Basically, they needed help, they were lost and, like many of us before Jesus, they didn’t even realize it. Kind of like the gentleman I spoke with a while back. He was VERY religious and figured his religion would save him. But that was a problem. He was lost and he didn’t even realize it. He needed a relationship, a saving relationship, with Jesus. We talked a lot, but he kept going back to his religion making him right with God. He reasoned that if he just did enough “good stuff” he’d be okay. I’m not sure if he eventually got the whole religion vs. relationship thing. We talked and prayed, but the Holy Spirit is really going to have to do a work in his heart. That’s where the compassion comes in. Do we care enough about people to share the truth of the Gospel with them, talk with them, pray with them? It takes effort, it takes time. But it all starts with...compassion.
Well, winter is definitely here. It’s cold, it’s snowy, and let’s be honest, for the most part, we’d rather skip it. But that’s not a choice we have, at least if you can’t fly south for the winter. Here at Campus Life, winter is a very busy season. All of our regular programs are continuing strong. We just had an awesome soup supper fundraiser for our upcoming mission trip to Chicago (thank you to everyone who helped make this a success), the Father Daughter Ball is just a couple of weeks away (520 dads and daughters - WOW!), and The Great Campus Life Easter Egg Hunt is just around the corner. God is doing some great things through the programs and outreaches of Campus Life. If you’re not involved, you really need to get involved. Find your place to plug in. For every age and every stage, you can be a part of this continuing miracle, and continuing journey, of Campus Life.
Thank you for your continuing prayerful and financial support of this ministry. It is making a difference. Winter is a notoriously difficult time financially for the ministry. We need you and appreciate you. We are in this together as we help people move one step closer to
Making a difference in people’s lives - together,
