For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. ~Isaiah 55:8-
Dear Campus Life Friends,
What a great summer of ministry. Praise God! Just a couple of notes from August. Adventure Camp was awesome. Great students, great volunteers, great message and music. Such a fun week of sharing the Gospel with some fantastic 3rd - 5th graders. Note from an 8th grade student volunteer: “I just wanted to say thank you for inviting me to help at Adventure Camp this year! When Denise said that Adventure Camp was her favorite week of the Summer I thought that there was no way that I was going to be able to say the same. I was totally wrong! Adventure Camp was truly amazing and so much fun! I was connecting with people that I’d thought I would never even talk to. But by far the best part was teaching the kids about God. Campus Life has inspired me
to step outside of my comfort zone. One year ago, before I joined Campus Life, I would not have believed that I would be teaching kids about the Gospel. Campus Life has truly planted a seed in me and many others. Thanks.”
We love getting notes like this. Another example is a young woman working with a really troubled child. She spent hours with him, over multiple days, trying to help him along and to get whatever he could out of being at camp. I saw another staffer helping a young boy through a rather embarrassing situation, showing tons of patience, compassion and grace. We see students like this really STEPPING UP and going from being just a ministry consumer to ministry producer. God is at work, and we get a fantastic view of it happening.
We also had the 4th annual Kite Festival. What a great family outreach and opportunity to share the ministries of Campus Life. Hundreds attended, flew kites, ate lots of good food, played games and bounced in bounce houses. Thanks so much to everyone who helped out with this and all of the fantastic summer ministries.
As we say goodbye to summer, we now welcome fall, and with that the launch of all of our regular school year programs. This is an exciting time as we relaunch Kingdom Kids Bible Time for children ages 2 - 7, and their parents, each Monday morning. We also are expanding our Bible study opportunities, providing a variety of sessions (days & times) and studies for men, women and combined. This, along with many opportunities for all ages, truly makes Campus Life Family Ministries a place where everyone can belong and get plugged in. That includes YOU!
I hope that you had a wonderful summer, and thank you for being on this amazing ministry journey with us. You are such an important part of this outreach and we are blessed to be
able to call you friend. Your prayers and support allow us to be on the front lines of ministry. We know it and appreciate it. We couldn’t do this without you. May God richly bless you.
Making a difference in people’s lives - together,
