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Little "Big Things"

Jim Green
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."       ~Proverbs 22:6


Little “Big Things”


Dear Campus Life Friends,


Most of the time, when we hear that someone memorized a Bible verse it’s not really a big deal.  No one gets too excited about it and we usually just give it the standard “that’s nice dear” sort of response.  However, when that person is a 2 year old child in our Kingdom Kids Bible story hour, that’s a REALLY BIG DEAL!  And she’s not the only one as dozens of kids memorize scripture every week and begin the process of hiding God’s word in their hearts.  It’s kind of a little “Big Thing”.  Or how about the new mentoring process we’re launching with kids getting out of jail.  One kid with one mentor, weekly studying God’s word.  Might not seem like much, but this too is a little “Big Thing”.  Or what about the child or teen who shows up here for a club program, doesn’t know anyone and who is very much afraid? When a couple of students or volunteers welcome them and make them feel at home, valued, and loved - that too is a little “Big Thing”.  These, and countless other, little “Big Things” stack up week after week, and all of them come together to become BIG, BIG THINGS in the kingdom of God.  Just continuing to help people grow in their faith and help them take one step closer to Jesus.  That’s what it’s all about, and that’s a big thing.


In a week or so you should be receiving our annual year-end appeal card.  Through this we attempt to raise a good portion of our annual operating budget.  Our goal is to raise $50,000 which is essential for us to continue the ever growing ministries of Campus Life. Our costs have increased significantly, just like everyone else's, and we need your help. Please pray and give as you are able. 


Also, please don’t forget the upcoming Festival of the Trees.  This is going to be a great family friendly event. We’re transforming Campus Life into a Christmas wonderland, inside and out.  Lights, trees, music, two nationally known authors and much more.  Overall, a fantastic Christmas experience.  Hopefully, this ticketed event will also help us raise needed funds for the year ahead. C’mon out, invite your friends and enjoy this celebration of the Christmas season.


Thanks for being a part of this ministry.  And as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday,

we say thank you Lord for His provision, and thank you Campus Life friends for always

 being there for us and with us.  You truly are a gift from God.


Happy Thanksgiving and blessings to you all,


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