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Love One Another

Jim Green
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  ~John 13:34-35


Special Holiday Greetings to our Campus Life Friends –


Thanksgiving has just past and Christmas is right around the corner.  What an exciting and blessed time of the year. 


So often we hear people say how they want to serve God. How they want to be used by Him for His glory and His honor.  They want to evangelize the world and spread the Good News of salvation in Christ to everyone.  This is a good and noble thing.  It’s good to dream big for the Kingdom of God.  However, the trouble we see with this is that people may say that they love God with everything they have...but they don’t love the people right around them.  They ignore the needs, they ignore the hurt, they ignore the pain...even when they could do something about it. We serve God best when we joyfully serve the people around us.


"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did

for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of

mine, you did for me.' “         ~Matthew 25:40


Christ came at Christmas to serve, not to be served…

a lesson we should all remember and emulate. At this joyous time of year let’s remember to love the Lord with everything we’ve got, but at the same time remember to love our neighbors as ourselves.  What an awesome way to truly celebrate the reason for the season.


At Campus Life we’re on the front lines of ministry.  I wish it were possible for me to sit down with each of you and share first-hand stories of children, teens and adults and their victories and heartaches.  I can assure you that we would shed tears of joy and also be crushed by the deep hurts of many. Yet, we keep on keeping on with love in our hearts,

the Bible as our guide, and prayers on our lips.   As staff and volunteers work diligently

each week to share the love of Christ, please pray that the message will get through.  How  awesome it is to see young  people and adults growing in their faith, and putting their faith into action.  It’s great to celebrate the season, but it’s also great to celebrate what God is

doing in the hearts and lives of the people we serve at Campus Life.


Thank you for your investment in this ministry.  We couldn’t do it without you. Our annual year-end appeal is in full swing.  We need you to help us reach our $50,000 goal, which will allow us to continue reaching out to the youth and families in Sheboygan County. Your prayers, support, and words of encouragement are very much appreciated. 


From Denise, myself and the entire Campus Life family we wish you Peace, Hope and Joy this Christmas season.  “For unto us is born this day a Savior…”  Salvation through Jesus – what an

incredible Christmas gift. 

       Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year, 


Campus Life of Sheboygan County

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