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Merry Christmas

Jim Green

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” ~Isaiah 52:7 NIV

Being the hands and feet of Jesus and proclaiming the good news.

Merry Christmas to all of our Campus Life Friends –

Recently, one of our volunteers was sharing with me about visiting an elderly lady in one of the area assisted living facilities. This woman is now 104 and although she is relatively healthy, her mind is failing. Her family lives very far away, so our volunteer regularly makes room in her schedule just to spend some time with her, pray with her and encourage her, and has been doing so for more than six years. She brings joy to this woman and inspires others to do the same. She is making a difference, along with the other 21 people involved in our Senior Oasis visitation ministry. Just being the hands and feet of Jesus.

And then there is our Juvi. Jail ministry. Every week, Monday thru Thursday and every other Sunday, teams of Campus Life volunteers make room in their schedules to share the Gospel in this very dark place. They do Bible study with the kids, pray with them and encourage them. Sometimes it’s really tough, but a couple of weeks ago a 14-year-old boy surrendered his life to Christ. That makes it worth it! And then last week, a girl who recently got out of jail, called our office and met with one of our staff (that’s becoming a regular event around here). PRAISE GOD! We now have 19 volunteers participating in that ministry. Just being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Or how about our Senior Connect volunteers, our weekly club volunteers or our Senior Luncheon volunteers? I could go on for pages, but these are just some of the areas where God is doing great things, all with the help of Campus Life volunteers. Again, just being the hands and feet of Jesus. You often hear me talk about how healthy things grow. The ministry of Campus Life is healthy and growing. Thanks be to God, our volunteers, and to all of you.

It’s almost time again. Tickets for the 2024 Father Daughter Ball are available starting

December 1st. If you or someone you know wants to attend, they should get their tickets

soon as we know we will sell out quickly. It’s going to be a GREAT event!

By now you should have received our annual Phoneless Phonathon card. Each year we attempt to raise a vital portion of our annual operating budget through this year-end appeal. Our goal is to raise $50,000 which is essential for us to continue the ever growing ministries of Campus Life. Please pray, and give as you are able, to help us with this. Every dollar is needed,

appreciated and a true blessing to the youth and families that we serve.

We just love the Christmas season here at Campus Life. The sights and sounds of the holidays, and the wonderful opportunities to share the Gospel and encourage people to celebrate the birth of our savior. He is the reason for the season, and we proclaim that throughout ALL of the programs and outreaches here. I hope you feel it as we approach the most amazing event in human history - Immanuel - God with us.

From all of our Campus Life Ministry family, may God bless you and keep you during this

awesome time of the year, and throughout the year to come.

Merry Christmas,


Campus Life of Sheboygan County

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Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm

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