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One Plants, Another Waters

It is so wonderful to see how God is always working. On Wednesday, January 6, I listened to the Spice of Life presentation about GriefShare, which was rewarding in so many ways. It was a relief to hear the speakers say it is okay to grieve, it is okay to not be okay. We cannot just ignore the pain and sadness and hope it goes away. We must learn how to work through the pain and suffering.

After the lunch I was able to connect with a few seniors, and one lady really opened up to me about her late husband who had passed away some years ago. She has never talked about him or much of her family and because of this presentation and God working in my relationship with this lady, she was sharing all about her family and the pain that is going on. Although there was no huge life change resulting from the conversation, I can see the seeds that have been planted that are now being watered. God is always working even when we do not realize it. I look forward to seeing this lady at Senior Connect and Spice of Life over the next few months to keep this deeper connection and keep pointing her to Christ.

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