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Jim Green

Ready for Spring

Fathers, do not exasperate your children, instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. ~Eph. 6:4

The music has stopped, the decorations are down, the equipment has been put away, the food has been eaten - but the smiles and memories will last a lifetime. This is what we will truly remember about the 2023 Father Daughter Ball. More than 540 dads and daughters participated in this four evening event. What an incredible outreach into the community. From two of our attendees:

“You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for doing this.

It means a lot to my girls and it means a lot to me as well.

I never believed I could have this much fun with my daughter.”

“I loved hanging out with my dad. It was great!”

A very big thank you to everyone who made this possible.

We are so ready for spring here at Campus Life just like everyone is. But there are many great things happening here throughout the month of March. New women’s Bible studies are starting, men’s Bible study continues to grow, student club programs and Bible studies for all ages continue strong, juvenile jail outreach continues to grow, assisted living outreaches are expanding and Senior Connect and Spice of Life senior luncheons continue to encourage many. These are all blessings and they keep us very busy here.

Even though we have a lot of great things happening, March is historically a very tough month for us from a financial standpoint. Not sure why, we just know it is. Actually, January and February were rather tough also. Please remember, you are needed. We need your prayers and we need your donations. All are appreciated. Your partnership with us in the ministry allows us to continue to reach out into the community and share the Good News of Salvation to a hurting world. Thank you for being a part of this with us. We are a front-line ministry working daily to help people move one step closer to Jesus. May God bless all of you as you have been, and are, a blessing to the ministry of Campus Life.

Making a difference in people’s lives - together,

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