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Community Outreach

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Juvenile Jail | Hope Beyond Bars

Hope Behind Bars is designed to provide encouragement and direction to incarcerated youth in the Sheboygan juvenile jail system through Bible studies, prayer, and conversation. Each week multiple teams of volunteers and staff spend quality time with these kids dealing with very difficult life situations, sharing with them the love of Christ.

Senior Oasis | Returning Kindness

There are a lot of lonely and hurting people around us. As part of the body of Christ, we need to be His hands and feet and, in many cases, just a listening ear. Campus Life has a group of dedicated volunteers who regularly go in and visit people in assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

Senior Man
Senior Book Club

Senior Connect | Many Hands

Senior Connect is a project-based ministry utilizing the gifts and abilities of our active senior adult group. From creating gifts for children with cancer to putting cards together for shut-ins, to helping with Operation Christmas Child, this group meets monthly to work on various projects. There is no cost to attend, and reservations are not required. 

Senior Connect is for adults ages 55 and older, and meets the fourth Wednesday of each month in Cedar Lodge.  The two hour program begins at 9:30 am and beverages / treats are provided.  We invite you to spend time with friends while learning new skills, making a difference in our community and having fun!  

Community Outreach Opportunities

Throughout the year various community outreach opportunities take place. These include participating in National Night Out, Sheboygan's Fourth of July Parade, Farmer's Market outreaches and much more.

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Volunteer with Campus Life

Be a Missionary in Your Own Community

Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? All of our programs are made possible through the selfless work of incredible volunteers. Take your first step, and send us an email about your interest to volunteer.

Teacher and Pupil

Campus Life of Sheboygan County

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(920) 457-2381

6426 S Business Dr, Sheboygan, WI 53081

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm

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